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New user Netmaker Bankgiro Link - Knowledgebase / Vanliga frågor och svar (FAQ) / Information till nya användare

New user Netmaker Bankgiro Link

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New user Netmaker Bankgiro Link

When we start the program for the first time or as a new user, you need to create a profile. (this is also done if you add a new customer you pay for on your existing license.)

As a new user follow steps:

  1. Click on Administer.

  1. Add.

  1. Fill in the fields: Profile name (here you name your profile), organization number (your company), Customer number Bankgirot, License number Netmaker Bankgiro Link. If you are a Service bureau, this field is also filled in, otherwise this field is left blank. Choose a way to identify yourself, If Mobile Bank-ID is used, Social Security number is filled in with 12 digits.

  1. If you want shared profiles, mark this and fill in the path for the profile. It is good to know that if you have shared profiles and identify yourself with Mobile ID, the social security number must be changed EVERY time you use the profile, so we recommend e.g. a card or file for easier handling. (If the profile is not to be shared, leave this step blank.)

  1. Finish by clicking Ok and your Profile is now ready to use.

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