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Send a file to Bankgirot - Knowledgebase / Vanliga frågor och svar (FAQ) / Applikationshantering / Filhantering

Send a file to Bankgirot

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To send a file to Bankgirot:

Important to note

Check that Bankgiro Link is not in test mode. If so, the top right panel of the main window will be black. To return to production mode, select Tools from the main menu, then select sending followed by Production.

  1. Create a file using the financial system.

  2. Import the file into Netmaker Bankgiro Link.

  3. Connect to Bankgirot and send the file.

  4. Select the file and click Actions and then Send.

  5. The file is now ready to be attested.


You can follow the file through the status column in the file list or the icon in front of the name of the file.

An example of what a receipt might look like (see the lower part of the image):

Important note

The signatures must correspond to your authorizations, see further the agreement with your bank.

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