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Send a file to Bankgirot in test mode - Knowledgebase / Vanliga frågor och svar (FAQ) / Information till nya användare

Send a file to Bankgirot in test mode

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It is possible to send files for testing to Bankgirot. The purpose of the test is to verify that the transfer of payment files to Bankgirot works and that files created by your financial system are in the correct format.

When you test supplier payment (KI), you must include Bankgiro and cash payment in the file. When testing payroll, include all employee account numbers in the file as they will be checked during testing. If you use Autogiro (AG), you must include authorizations and transactions in the file.

When you are in test mode, payments are sent to Bankgirot but they are never completed.

Test mode is activated by selecting Tools and Sending and then Test. The bank base of the file list then turns black.

Sending files in test mode works the same as in production mode. See:

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