Netmaker Bankgiro Link is used to send or retrieve payment information to or from Bankgirot. The payment information is stored in a file and created based on the content of your financial system. The most common financial systems on the market today have functions for creating such files.
How to use the help function:
Click on the relevant topic in the table of contents to get to a more detailed description of what you want to know more about. Please go through the entire table of contents before you start using Netmaker Bankgiro Link.
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Different areas of use
How you can use NetMaker BgCom depends on your agreement with your bank.
Netmaker Bankgiro Link provides support for the following (examples):
Send to Bankgirot:
Supplier payments (LB)
Salary payments (KI)
Direct debit (AG)
FSB Salary Payments (SUS)
Download from Bankgirot:
Download OCR material (OC)
Re-reporting of supplier payments (LB)
Re-reporting of Autogiro (AG)
Download payment details (LM) and Giro Plus (GP)
Download other formats such as EKK
As Bankgirot allows new formats, this is implemented in Netmaker Bankgiro Link. For questions, contact support on 08-555 290 80.
To be able to do the above, you need:
An agreement with your bank to be able to use the services provided through Netmaker Bankgiro Link and Bankgirot. When you and your bank agree, you will receive a customer number with Bankgirot.
Power of attorney from the bank for the persons who must be able to electronically sign and send payment information.
An e-Legitimation (Bank ID on card or on file) for the people who must be able to electronically sign and send payment information.
Netmaker Bankgiro Link.
Bank ID software.
Connection to the Internet.
Upcoming services/other opportunities are adjusted by agreement.